Upcycled denim
Upcycling is a new form of fashion recycling, where all of society's discarded resources are taken to create something new, thereby redesigning the current linear industry and turning it into a circular economy.
The aim of this new system is to maintain the value of materials throughout their entire life cycle, thereby avoiding the need to exploit more natural resources and making the most of existing ones.
As we know, the textile industry is one of the most polluting on the planet, and thanks to this new model, we can help reduce these impacts.
For every kg of recycled textile, 20,000 litres of water are saved; and for every tonne of recycled textile, 20 tonnes of CO2 are prevented from entering the atmosphere.
For this process, industrial waste is collected from large factories and ground into fiber, which is then turned into new fabric.
This process is chemical-free, lens-free and uses minimal water and energy.
Upcycled denim is a great alternative for the new generation of fashion; it takes something that people throw away and turns it into something new and fresh; no more waste, let's give it a new life.